For the third consecutive year, ÏDKIDS will exhibit at the Conext intelligent commerce show that promotes new ways of doing business in the future.
The high-tech event will be held from 17 to 19 October 2017 at the Grand Palais de Lille. Organized by PICOM, a French retail industry cluster, this is an unmissable annual event for switched-on retail professionals. This year 200 exhibitors, 10,000 visitors and more than 100 conferences are planned.
Last year ÏDKIDS presented its Creative Lab project. These specially designed areas, which now feature in several ÏDKIDS stores, are fab labs equipped with digital tools (e.g. graphics tablets, configurators, laser cutters and engravers) to let children of different ages use their imaginations and get creative.
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Example of a workshop: for Father’s Day, the ÏDKIDS store in Faches-Thumesnil offered customers a “LUTTI Lab” where children could personalize a sweet using a 3D printer. They started off by designing the sweet on an iPad (shape, text and flavour) and then used the 3D printer to create it. More than 100 different sweets were produced to the delight of the children and their parents!
This year, in collaboration with BLUEGRioT (a startup specializing in connected objects), ÏDKIDS will present one of its flagship innovations called “My Neighbourhood Mat”. It is a modern version of the ubiquitous play mat found in most children’s bedrooms decorated with roads, roundabouts and fire stations.
ÏDKIDS has designed a fun, modern, customizable version with innovative educational aspects such as teaching children about the highway code and the perception of time and space. Using the touch-screen configurator and user-friendly digital equipment provided by ÏDKIDS community stores, children and their parents can recreate their own neighbourhood or an imaginary world as the setting for their own stories. Innovation to feed the imagination of young and old alike!
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