To keep everyone safe – both our customers and employees – as people begin shopping in our stores again, every last detail must be carefully considered.
How are we going about this? Sandrine Bergandi, Regional Pilot – Nord, is part of the working group handling the issue. She explains the process for the stores:
“We created a team that has been working on blue books with new in-store health and safety measures.
To help us update our everyday procedures, we’re working with Bureau Veritas, a certification company with renowned expertise in quality, health, safety and environmental issues.
Veritas is lending its support to this preparatory work, whether in our stores, at headquarters or in our logistics warehouses.
What does this entail specifically?
Working in the field!
Once the blue books were drafted, Mylène (SM Lille CV), Sabrina (Coordination Manager), Lindsy (Training Manager), Chielbert (Zone Director), Cédric (Jacadi CEO) and Mr. Legrand (Veritas expert) met up at a store on Thursday.
We reviewed each measure one by one to ensure that each was suitable and guaranteed to keep everyone safe.
An exemple?
Well, in stores, as elsewhere, the first new habit we have to adopt is to maintain maximum cleanliness. So before touching anything, you have to wash your hands.
Then, we have to make other adjustments such as placing signs to indicate where customers should stand, etc.
Overall, there are three main themes in the blue books: entering the store, managing the store space for customers and employees, and communicating to customers.
So what comes next?
We’re going to finalise these new procedures to quickly share them with the stores which are gradually opening up in the different countries.
There will be a special focus on the “Click & Collect” option that will be tested in several stores in the coming days (we’ll tell you more about that soon!)
We’re also working on tutorials to help people adopt these new habits.