Once a year the ÏDKIDS community gives every employee the opportunity to take a day off to volunteer at a charity so they can actively help children for themselves. Let’s see what went down up north!
Staff from Lens and Douai recently took part in a fundraising initiative in partnership with EnoRev, a charity that seeks to make rehabilitation effective and viable. EnoRev helps children with cerebral palsy become more independent, mainly by advising families about how to find the best therapy and supporting them financially. With cerebral palsy, the earlier the child is given help (before the age of 3) the better the outcome.
The aim of these volunteer days was to raise money for little Zoé to travel to the United States for an operation. She suffers from a form of cerebral palsy that affects her legs and her left arm. The operation would increase her chances of being able to walk.
This worthwhile project was supported by two fundraising events suffused with community spirit and emotion on 18 and 25 November.
Staff from Okaidi and volunteers from EnoRev raised money by offering customers at the Carrefour Flers shopping centre a selection of sideshow games, keyrings, mirrors and a make-up workshop using products donated by Oxybul. The event raised 3,200 euros thanks to the generosity of the centre’s customers.
These donations mean that Zoé will fly off to America at the end of January for her longed-for operation. We are delighted for her and her family!