Okaïdi is giving children a voice with GOOD IDEAS FOR TOMORROW
For its 25th birthday, Okaïdi is giving children a voice with the launch of its big educational project: Good Ideas for Tomorrow in partnership with Nathan publishers and the Lea.fr network of French teachers.
Engagement is something that can be learnt. So for its 25th birthday, in 2021 Okaïdi launched a big educational project to give children a voice: Good Ideas for Tomorrow.
The objective? Using 5 essential themes, talk with kids and collectively draw up a plan to build the world of tomorrow together with these future citizens. The themes are: Learning throughout life, developing and growing, living together, acting for the planet and protecting all children.
The ambition? Create the Children’s European Parliament so their voice can be heard more clearly.
Initially, hundreds of kids carried out interviews with 25 questions covering themes that are essential to them.
They then wrote proposals and a manifesto with their ideas on how to change the world!
And to promote them, we have created a web series. You can find, support and share the first episodes on: @goodideasfortomorrow
We are counting on you to help children express their ideas by successfully through the creation of the Children’s European Parliament.