Related topics: #care #protection #safetyfirst
Jean-Pascal Buisine, Procurement Manager, discusses the measures and kits designed to keep all ÏDKIDS teams safe – from masks to gloves and hand sanitizer – in the short, medium and long term.
Do you believe our brands would make an impact in your market? Would you like to help them grow while respecting the uniqueness and cohesiveness of their concept? Do you share the values of We Act For Kids? Join the ÏDKIDS community by opening a franchise store for one of our brands!
Would you like to be part of a unique and sustainable business? Do you have an intrapreneurial spirit? Join the ÏDKIDS community!
A young, family-oriented group, we have 6,000 employees, an international presence in 70 countries, strong brands, an innovative concept and interlinked stores – all designed to benefit children. Join us!
The ÏDKIDS community is united around one project, WE ACT FOR KIDS, to ensure the wellbeing and advancement of children around the world.
SOLIDARITY: Video interview with Wahid – How a local initiative inspired a large foundation
Interview (video) : Jean Duforest, co founder of ÏDKIDS – “Dare to change and have faith!”
Okaïdi and ÏDKIDS mini-donations 2018: over 10,000 euros raised for Sport dans la Ville
Okaïdi runs a mini-donation campaign to help Sport dans la Ville
Giving littlies’ shoes a second life!
ÏDKIDS partners with Maker Faire Lille
Teaching awareness of disability through play
Mini-donations are back for the festive season!