A quick report from Julie, HR Partner in our ÏDKIDS Shanghai offices. Get a peek at what likely awaits once the confinement is lifted…
Episode 1: Back to normal life… differently
Do you believe our brands would make an impact in your market? Would you like to help them grow while respecting the uniqueness and cohesiveness of their concept? Do you share the values of We Act For Kids? Join the ÏDKIDS community by opening a franchise store for one of our brands!
Would you like to be part of a unique and sustainable business? Do you have an intrapreneurial spirit? Join the ÏDKIDS community!
A young, family-oriented group, we have 6,000 employees, an international presence in 70 countries, strong brands, an innovative concept and interlinked stores – all designed to benefit children. Join us!
The ÏDKIDS community is united around one project, WE ACT FOR KIDS, to ensure the wellbeing and advancement of children around the world.
Interview: “We’re exploring innovative ways to do business with our partners”
INTERVIEW: “ Russia is a fantastic market where our loyal customers have been waiting for us for years” , Nina Bejenaru-Lecler, CIS Development Director for Jacadi
VIDEO : News from our team and suppliers in Bangladesh
#essentialforchildren: a letter delivered to Alain Griset, Minister for small and medium businesses
BACKSTAGE: “We’re continually working on our newsletters, but we really enjoy them!”
Jacadi opens a showcase website in Croatia, the first in a long series…
GOOD TIPS: Interview: “Routine, rules and quality time” – Juliette Marchand shares her advice for everyday life during the confinement
Interview: What is a DMP?