Bubble, the ideas hub for discerning and enquiring parents, is launching two new podcasts for family listening: “Top Tips”, to help children acquire interpersonal skills and “Le Conte est Bon”, short stories to help them reflect on how to live better as a family. Kim, Bubble Kids’ editor-in-chief, tells us more.
I’ve heard that things are happening at Bubble. Can you tell us more?
Definitely! As well as Bubble Kids, our 24-page magazine dedicated to parent and children activities, we have a great new format: Bubble is launching its own podcasts. The principle is the same as for Bubble Kids; it’s a form of media designed to be shared by parents and their children.
What is the purpose of these podcasts?
They will complete the parent toolbox already offered by Bubble. After “10 wicked minutes” of shared quality time each day with your children, it’s time for “Let’s do it” – a great selection of craft ideas designed for four hands. We have created these podcasts as conversation guides, to help very young children with issues that are sometimes hard for a family to tackle.
And why are there two of them?
To meet different needs!
Top Tips focuses on interpersonal skills in terms of children’s own behaviour and their behaviour towards others. It tackles subjects that directly affect children, e.g.:
It’s a tool for reflection that parents can offer their children, either because their children are facing the problem themselves or because the parents suspect that they might be. It’s also a preventative tool.
In this first season, we will be tackling delicate subjects like how to protect your body. It can often be difficult for parents to find child-friendly words and concrete ideas to answer these types of questions.
Le conte est bon (Time for a Story) tackles subjects connected with family relationships. These funny little stories illustrate an everyday problem and end with a question, such as:
The stories deal with family life and real-life situations and get everybody thinking!
Top Tips and Le Conte est Bon are two original podcasts created by the Bubble editorial team.
They are available on all streaming platforms and online at: https://www.bubblemag.fr/categorie/activites-a-la-maison/podcasts/ ,