How did the Payroll team manage to get 3,700 payslips out for March on time?
Marjorie, the Human Resources Information Systems Manager, tells us about it.
Marjorie, what consequences has the current health crisis had on your role and responsibilities?
The HRIS team in France has been working non-stop since early March to configure the payroll software to incorporate all the changes from the short-time working measures that were taken. They had to first develop and then test the necessary updates – are continue to do so as additional regulatory changes are approved!
For our international operations, external firms take care of the process in each country to ensure we comply with all the different regulations.
This is probably what is most complex: having to adapt in real time to new legislation published nearly every day since the end of March.
Once we finished this, the Payroll team (11 payroll administrators manage the Group’s payroll for all of France: ÏDKIDS, Jacadi, Rigolo Comme La Vie and our three warehouses) took over to run payroll at the end of March and complete the other administrative tasks: entering civil status updates, making contract amendments, issuing certificates, entering changes in hours, etc. They are very busy working on all of these documents. Luckily, IT bent over backwards to deliver a professional telephone to all of them at home so they could handle the various requests.
This was a very challenging time for you, but you still managed to get 3,700 payslips out, and on time to boot!
What are you doing “differently” that you are thinking about making permanent?
What’s great is that with Hangouts and Google Meet we can easily talk about pending issues. We’ve been able to keep communicating as a team and sharing best practices despite the distance. And it’s been good for us to stay connected like this!
What helped you successfully get through this payroll challenge?
I was lucky to have a great team: they’re super committed. They really stepped up to answer all our employees’ questions. I’m really proud: I know I can count on them, on their positive attitudes, their ability to move forward even when things are tough.
Is there anything that helps you be more efficient?
The key for us was being able to plan ahead to have some extra time to manage any unforeseen issues (there always are!).
What also helps is that our two teams are very connected with their counterparts in legal/social affairs, our HR partners, the benefits department and accounting. We know we can count on them, and vice versa. And that’s amazing!
What I’ve noticed is that the more you respect people on an everyday basis, the more you can count on them when the going gets tough.
What’s your secret to staying energised despite the lockdown?
We say that we’re superheroes! It started with an article on healthcare workers. Our meetings are superhero meet-ups! This sort of fantasy has been great for everyone.
And then everyone also keeps a journal of funny things that happen. We share them when we see each other.