On 19 March the Good World panel selected the six winning projects submitted via its online platform. Here they are!
Between 20 November 2017 and 9 March 2018 Okaïdi asked children to submit a project via the Good World online platform, individually or as part of a group, to improve daily life in their city, country or world. This initiative is part of Okaïdi’s commitment to act in the interest of children, help them be happy and responsible and encourage them to build a better world.
In this third Good World competition, the six winning projects will each receive funding of 3,500 euros from Okaïdi or the ÏDKIDS foundation, depending on the chosen theme. The children will also be given help to implement the venture.
Each of the project themes ties in fully with Okaïdi’s values and is supported by the foundation or one of its partner charities.
Winner: Eat local, eat well
Environmental project supported by Surfrider Foundation Europe. The nonprofit works to protect and improve lakes, rivers, oceans, waves and coastlines. Set up in 1990 by a group of local surfers, it now has more than 12,000 members and its volunteer network is active in nine different countries.
Xavier Giamporcaro, project manager, partnerships & development: “Good World has a positive vision of sustainable development and encourages children to get involved while having fun. It’s the same message that Surfrider is trying to get across: let’s save the ocean and the coastline – they’re our playgrounds!”
Winner: Tell me what it’s like for you
A project about harmonious living supported by CATS (Children as Actors for Transforming Society). This international programme aims to stimulate a culture of collaboration between children and adults, and to equip and empower them to take action against all forms of violence affecting children.
Roxanne Landais, high school student and active member of CATS: “ I’ve been involved with CATS on several occasions and was particularly interested in this project as I think it’s vital for children to take the initiative and be an active part of society.”
Winner: Eat in the street
Solidarity-based project supported by the ÏDKIDS foundation. The foundation was born from ÏDKIDS’ desire, supported by its brands, to develop a sense of generosity and bring together positive initiatives to help vulnerable children around the world. The development, protection and rights of children are at the heart of its activities.
Cécile Delivre, head of the ÏDKIDS foundation: “One of the foundation’s goals is to work to uphold children’s basic rights all over the world. Children are at the heart of it all and can also shake things up to make the world a better place. Being part of Good World’s initiative to support a community project makes perfect sense for the foundation.”
Winner: Sport for All
Sports-based project supported by Sport dans la Ville. The charity promotes integration through sport in France and is helping 6,000 young people to integrate socially and in the workplace. To make itself more relevant to young people and build their trust, the charity goes to meet them in their own neighbourhood and organizes activities for them there.
Yoann Mascart, Hauts-de-France regional manager: “It’s a real honour for Sport dans La Ville to support this fantastic project. Being able to participate in sport gives young people the chance to grow and improve their skills and expertise so they can find their own way in life.”
Winner: Creating a fashion collection
Project with an art or music focus supported by We Are World Citizens. Created for and sung by children, We Are World Citizens is the musical expression of five young, uplifting and engaged singers who give voice to their hopes and dreams as they promote respect for children’s rights all over the world.
Naylinz, We Are World Citizens singer: “Good World is a really great project. It conveys optimistic values by encouraging children to be responsible. I am moved by the fact that children are initiating these projects to make a better world and that they are being listened to and valued. Our music upholds children’s rights. We are world citizens and we want to bring out the best in children and help them grow!”
Winner: The Baptisto’Phone
An educational project supported by Play Bac. An independent French group created in 1985, Play Bac develops original educational concepts for children, families and teachers like Les Incollables learning aids and special newspapers for primary and secondary school students (e.g. Le Petit Quotidien and Mon Quotidien).
Laurent Renault, special publications account director: “Working with Good World stimulates your mind, gives you a taste for learning and boosts your creativity. We all share these values to help make a better world and encourage children to thrive.”
Our thanks go out to all the children who gave their time to imagine a better world, and we will keep you posted on the winning projects’ progress!