Bubble Spring 2020: the ideas hub for discerning and enquiring parents has just released its latest edition and its main feature is all about politeness:
So many questions which Bubble Mag tries to answer with the help of expert advice, clever tips and testimonials, to help parents with everyday issues.
Bubble Kids also features games and stories you can share with your children on the same subject:
Not forgetting there are all the usual great ideas about outings, books, music and more to share with your family, wherever you live in France.
Happy reading everyone!
ÏDKIDS loyalty card holders receive Bubble Mag free of charge. It can also be bought for €2.50 in any ÏDKIDS community store.
Bubble podcasts are available at: https://www.bubblemag.fr/categorie/activites-a-la-maison/podcasts/ , and on all the music streaming and podcast platforms (Deezer, Spotify, Itunes, etc.).